'Twas The Night Before...

As the holiday season unfolds, Atlanta’s vibrant arts scene shines with a unique mix of culture, creativity, and entertainment—and this season, Cirque du Soleil will  be the Fox Theatre, for its' first ever holiday show, bringing with it a mesmerizing blend of acrobatics, storytelling, and stunning visuals.

Cirque du Soleil, known worldwide for its breathtaking performances, has been captivating audiences for decades with its seamless combination of circus arts, dance, and theater. Each year, thousands of people flock to Cirque du Soleil’s shows, and this holiday season's production at the historic Fox Theatre is anticipated to be one of the season’s highlights. Cirque du Soleil's first holiday show, 'Twas The Night Before... is a classic story about a girl who rediscovers the magic of the holidays. Brimming with charming characters and a reimagined holiday soundtrack, this show is sure to put you in a festive mood, just in time for the Holidays! The Fox, with its classic architecture and grand ambiance, is an ideal setting for Cirque’s magical world of characters and illusions.

Atlanta is increasingly recognized for its eclectic cultural offerings, and the presence of Cirque du Soleil only heightens this reputation. When residents and visitors alike enjoy world-class entertainment in their city, it boosts not only Atlanta’s cultural profile but also the perceived value of its metropolitan area and lifestyle. Proximity to rich cultural experiences often makes certain areas more attractive to buyers and renters. With Milton less than 25 miles from Midtown, it is ideally positioned outside the bustle of the city but close enough for easy access to Atlanta's art and entertainment. 

Cirque du Soleil’s return to Atlanta this holiday season isn’t just a fantastic entertainment opportunity—it’s a reminder of the city’s growing cultural influence. As the demand for homes in areas with rich cultural offerings rises, Atlanta and its' suburbs will likely continue to see a competitive real estate market.

"'Twas The Night Before" at The Fox Theatre

November 29, 2024 - December 15, 2024

Get Tickets Here

Also playing this fall/winter:

"Luzia" Under the Big Top at Atlantic Station

November 9, 2025 - December 14, 2025

Get Tickets Here


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